Simon Duquennoy


Research is no longer part of my day job (I now work at Wittra). This page is kept mostly for the record but might receive occasional updates when new things happen.


You can find my publications on Google Scholar.


I obtained my PhD from Université de Lille (INRIA, CNRS, France) in 2010, and did my postdoc at SICS as the holder of an ERCIM Alain Bensoussan fellowship. I was then granted a permanent position as a researcher at RISE SICS in 2011. From January 2016 to July 2017, I was at Inria Lille in France, while still affiliated with SICS. I then retook my full-time position at SICS until December 2018. I'm also a Docent of Uppsala University (associate-professor level degree, eq. French/German habilitation).

My research is on the Internet of Things: networking, security, systems aspects and applications. I'm a co-founder and maintainer of Contiki-NG, an open-source OS for Next Generation IoT systems. I also co-founded an initiative to define a benchmark for low-power wireless networks.

PhD Students

I have / had the pleasure to co-advise or externally advise the following PhD students:

Research Grants


Committee member in the following scientific events:

Reviewer for the following journals: ACM TOSN, IEEE TMC, IEEE Internet Computing, IEEE Network Magazine, IEEE TPDS, Elsevier Comnet, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, Elsevier JSA, Elsevier JSS, Eurasip WCN, Elsevier ComCom.

PhD committy member for:

Awards and Achievements

Page last updated on September 09, 2020